What is NDIS

What is NDIS

The term NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme and it is a support-oriented initiative introduced by the Australian government. The NDIS aims to provide support and assistance to individuals with certain physiological, physical and sensory disabilities. The NDIS is being introduced all across the states and territories and has received an overwhelming response from the community. 


With NDIS people who are suffering from biological and psychological indifferences will finally be able to get the support they need to improve their well being over time. The NDIS provides the residents of Australia with comfort that if their loved one or child acquires permanent disability then they will not be deprived of any growth opportunities due to the lack of support.

NDIS and You

They are millions of Australians who are suffering from lifelong disabilities outcasting them from the support and assistance they need for growth. The NDIS scheme works along with you to identify the support and assistance you need to grow in the different aspects of your life.


From education and employment to personal health and well being, the NDIS scheme covers all to ensure you don’t lack any support in any aspect.

Am I eligible for NDIS?


You are eligible for the NDIS scheme if you meet the following requirements:

  • Have a permanent lifelong disability that affects your daily lifestyle
  • The individual must be less than 65 in order to apply for the scheme
  • Must be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident or a New Zealand citizen that holds a protected special category visa
  • Live in an area where the NDIS scheme is eligible by the government

We can help

If you meet the requirements above and would like to explore the NDIS scheme then our team can help. Comfort Health Services is a certified disability center equipped with the eligibility to assist its clients with the NDIS scheme. From filing the initial application and documentation to coordinating with the governmental agencies for fund allocation, our team can handle all with absolute zero hassles.


We’d love to help you out. Schedule a free consultation with one of the experts now.